I have always been a fan of having my Kubernetes data easily accessible using a host path, along with a share so that I could access those host paths. Come to find out, that is not considered best practice. Mostly due to permission issues that can arise maintaining the container files along with the share itself. To fix this I am moving to using a PVC (Persistent Volume Claim). This is my process for TrueNAS. The k3s/kubectl/zfs commands should be usable for other distros and Kubernetes setups.

Identify the PVC

First lets get a list of all the PVC that we have.

k3s kubectl get pvc -A | sort -u  


with this we can now look up where the PVC is stored on disk. Replacing VOLUME with the volume from our command above

zfs list | grep VOLUME

zfs list | grep pvc-b976c745-6c53-49d8-9d19-e2f47072a73e


Mount the PVC

Now we are ready to mount the PVC. Make sure the container is stopped and use the following command

zfs set mountpoint=/MOUNTPATH PATH/TO/PVC

zfs set mountpoint=/flatnotes One/ix-applications/releases/flatnotes/volumes/pvc-b976c745-6c53-49d8-9d19-e2f47072a73e

You can now access the volume at the mount point.

Restore the original mount

When you are done you need to remount it back to where it was with the following use the PATH/TO/PVC from earlier

zfs set mountpoint=legacy PATH/TO/PVC

zfs set mountpoint=legacy One/ix-applications/releases/flatnotes/volumes/pvc-b976c745-6c53-49d8-9d19-e2f47072a73e


At the time of writing I found this information in the official TrueCharts manual.

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