My FreeNAS cert expired. Pretty sure I have had it since FreeNAS 9.x and it was the one that came with the distro. I figured it was time to update it. I chose to use a self-signed cert.

Create self-signed SSL certificate

I pretty much stuck to the FreeBSD documentation for this. That can be found here. This is also what I used for my Emby setup, minus a couple of steps.

First I generate a key
openssl genrsa -rand -genkey -out cert.key 2048

Then generate the cert, in this case I am making one that is valid for a year
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key cert.key -out cert.crt -sha256

Configuring FreeNAS

Now we will use the FreeNAS web interface to enter the details of our new certificate. Select System, and move to the Certificates menu item. Select ADD.

Now enter a Identifier (name) and select Import Certificate from the drop down.

Now run the following command and copy the output into the field for Certificate
cat cert.crt

Then run the following command and copy its output into the field for Private Key
cat cert.crt

If you followed the steps above, you can leave the password blank and select Save

Now head over to System and select the General menu option.

Drop down the GUI SSL Certificate option and select your newly created cert. It will ask you to restart the web services. You will want to do that.

You should now refresh the browser and make sure you are using https (https://[server_name_or_ip]) to verify that the server is up and running and using the new SSL cert. If all is good, you can select Web GUI HTTP->HTTPS Redirect.

The certificate will still come back as insecure since it is not verified by a third party, but the encryption is all the same.

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